what our customers say:

Hochzeitsbilder in schwarz weiss vom Hochzeitskuss werden von Hochzeitsplanern in Deutschland sehr häufig empfohlen
Das Hochzeitsauto ist ein wichtiges Element der Hochzeit. Hochzeitsfotos und Hochzeitsbilder in schwarz weiss geben dem Oldtimer einen Retro Look
Hochzeitsbilder in schwarz weiss von Hochzeitstanz sind sehr wichtig.
Braut in weißem Kleid und Brautstrauß Hochzeitsfotografie im Freien vom Brautpaar bräitgam im Anzug

Lidia & andreas

“How can you adequately rate someone who you can count as one of your closest people after only a short time?!
From the very first contact and meeting we could rely on Linda 100…% in planning our wedding. Wishes and ideas were always taken into account.”

From the planning, organization, process coordination to all involved. Everything went smoothly and without any stress for us. This allowed us to enjoy our day and beam with all joy, which improved the mood even more.
The decoration was implemented beautifully and full of dedication, right down to the little things. It does not get any better than this.

This day is now several months ago and yet we think back with the greatest pleasure and will always continue to do so. In the meantime, Linda has become a very good friend to us and we can only recommend her to anyone who wants to make their wedding unique.”

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In dieser Hochzeitsfotgrafie sieht man das Brautpssr bei dem Hochzeitstanz in der Hochzeitslocation. Die Hochzeitsdekoration wurde in Blau und Weiß Tönen und im Winter-Stil dekoriert. Platzteller, Tischdecken Tischnummern, Kerzen.

elena & Denis

“Right after the first phone call it was clear to us that Linda Helbling is very professional and right after the first meeting we booked decoration and planning with her. Why?

– Because Linda can fulfill your every wish. Here’s an example:We wanted ballerinas – Linda made it happen. We wanted a cake stand à la Ron Ben- Israel – we got it (custom made from her drawings and set up by her the day of the wedding). We wanted a winter atmosphere even in bright sunshine – and it turned out that way!

– Because she knows the best service providers and you can trust her blindly.
– Because she has a 6th sense!!! Yes really: Without her will to bring forward the wedding, we would not have married today. 21.11.2020 – cancelled because of Corona, 20.02.2021 – cancelled because of Corona and actually 13.11.2021 would have been our day and we have brought forward but on Linda’s request to September and are so grateful to have done so
– because she pays attention to the smallest details and quality and because she knows an answer to every question
– because she averts any drama on the wedding day and even has a needle and thread for little mishaps 😉
– Because she is willing to work through day and night to give you the perfect day.”

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Angelika & Boris

Coming soon

Julia & Peter

Coming soon